Friday, February 28, 2014

February extra post

My mentor gave me a small packet filled with knots and their names with instructions how to do them. I practice them when I can because it will be useful for the future 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Advisory Meeting #2

                  How can a lineman best reduce the risk of injury or fatality on the job?
- Skills & Proficiency is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of injury or fatality because those are strong fundamentals for this career.

  • Knowledge is important because you need to know the specs of construction, for example, when setting up a pole you need to know how to lay the foundation.
  • You need to know & learn the practices and exercises you learn during training so that you can put it to use once you start working 
  • You must gain experience by learning not only from your mistakes but also from others mistakes.            
- The information was all gathered and sorted out by me mentor at my mentor-ship.

I feel that my second answer is really important and stands out in supporting my EQ.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Independent Component 2 Approval

1. For these 30 hours of my second Independant component I plan to continue attending my Mentorship because it's the best place for me to be getting detailed information and facts about my topic. I will be able to look into certain parts of my guidebook with the help of my mentor.
2. I will be logging in my hours and post pictures for the extra posts of each month and also show small facts on the pictures of what I am learning. 
3. I will be asking my mentor and others in the facility my EQ and see what they respond so I can have many perspectives and answers to research.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Independent Component 1

a) I, Daniel Gamboa, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) My source is my mentor Mark Werndorf
c) done
d) I attended my metorship at LA Water and Power in Sun Valley and i asked questions about my career choice and learned many new and interesting things form my mentor.
My independent component log shows the countless hours I spent at the facility and in all those hours I spent them gathering new information and questions to be answered so I could research more and more.
I was shown the hot room and the pit where all the people in training go to learn and train, it was quite an experience being able to see all this!
My mentor helped me choose my first answer which really helpful in answering my EQ. I had knowledge from a trained professional whose been in the job for over 35 years of experience.

Lesson 2 Reflection

1. It went by fast because I knew what I was talking about and I was able to keep the audience attention.
2. a) AE
    b)I followed all guidelines and made time, I showed enough evidence that I understood my topic and feel like I gave a nice presentation.
3.  Using an activity to support your answer
4. I would have rehearsed my presentation a little more
5. My second answer would be about the tools and equipment necessary for this job