Monday, December 30, 2013

Mentorship Homework

Some homework that my mentor left me for my two weeks off is to crumble news paper so that I can improve my grip. For the reason that having good grip is important in my career choice!

Friday, November 29, 2013


Turns out LA water & power has a project going on just around the block and I got a your by one of the workers!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


 "I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ."
My EQ: How can I best reduce the risk of an injury or fatality while best completing the task given to me?


(a) I feel like this EQ is somewhat well structured and isn't a yes or no question. It has a good point because 
here are many answers/opinions that can go in it with plenty of research to back up those answers & opinions. 

(b) The EQ is very strong because it offers a good 'fight' or argument which can have many opinions backed up with a lot of research. Isn't a yes or no question. 

(c) This EQ might need some rethinking because it doesn't feel as strong, but it does offer a variety of answers because through history there have been many hair styles, but also its good that its not a yes or no question. 

(d) Its focusing on a certain part of this career and maybe this EQ can be rewritten to ask something more in depth about the whole career not just one task that is given in this career, but its still well structured, and it shows that one can find a lot of research for it. But also it isnt a yes or no question. 


How can I reassure the safety of my crew and I while securely completing the job?

Monday, October 14, 2013

Research and Working EQ

1. Working EQ: How can i best reduce the risk of injury or fatality while completing the task given to me?

2. Make sure the procedures for the job have been completed before starting.

3. I must say that my mentor has been the biggest help because my research helped get me started but he actually talked to me how they take affect. Also gave me a detailed description on how every state has its own policies and regulations to follow. 

4. My mentors name is Mark Werndorf and he works for water and power and is a Line-men instructor for the information that is needed. The facility is in sun valley, a but far but also he has introduced me to other instructors who run the safety climbing drills and technical instructors and a lot I can learn from there. Everything that I've learned from there has helped me get my first answer to the EQ.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


My first time coming to my mentorship here at the Department of Water & Power (10-09-13) I got a tour of the facility and my mentor gave me a brief power point on what he has to offer as in his knowledge. It may be a bit far but It's worth it because this place has so much to offer as to where I can learn the skills needed and actually see the process when the trainees train!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blog 7 Independent Component Approval 1

1. I plan on doing my Independent Component in a 2 hour class every Wednesday, I will be learning about the technicality and process of the job and all the aspects of the work and how its done. All of the equipment that is used and vehicles, and techniques that the workers use to get around difficult situations.
2. I will create a digital spread sheets showing all the hours I have spent and frequently post pictures on the blog to show everyone my progress.
3. My mentor has the knowledge and educational background that will help answer all my questions and he has many more contacts and opportunities that I can take advantage of so that I can further my knowledge. I will be taking notes on the lectures and power points that my mentor will be showing and also the activities that he will make the workers do. That way I can see what the process is and skills that the workers need.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Interesting Research

 Repair and rehabilitation of wood utility poles with fibre-reinforced polymers:

Something really cool that I found out in this article was the new innovative ways that the professionals in my career choice are doing things now a days. They have found a way to continue using the same wooden poles for the electrical lines but have found a way to reinforce them into making them last longer and most importantly, a lot stronger and durable. Which helps make sure that its stable and reduces the risk of any accidents due to the poles. Also it can now carry more weight, thus now making it safer for the workers who repair and maintain it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Blog 6

1. Who is your mentor and were do they work?
- My mentors name is Mark Werndorf and he works for the Department of Water & Power.
2. What 5 questions will you ask them about their background?
1. What college did you attend?
2. Did you have good grades throughout high school?
3. What classes did you take in order to pursue your career and for how many years?
4. What other colleges offer the courses that you took?
5. With your educational background was it easy or difficult to find a job?

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Blog 5 Project Reflection and working EQ

-Positive Statement: What positive thing happen as a result of what you have completed so far?
1.) One positive thing that has been the result of what Ive done so far is the fact that i wasn't so sure about my topic but thanks to O-Net and many of my other online articles, i have been given a variety of information from working hours to the labor and abilities one must presume in order to work in this career.
-EQ Content:  Pick a piece of research or your interview.  How has it helped you improve your understanding of your topic?
2.) One of my peices of research that was really helpful, was Career because it was divided into 5 different parts, 1 Duties/task, 2 Activities, 3 skills, 4 Abilities, and 5 Knowledge/Experience. They all gave a different look in all those areas and now I know what to expect and what route to take so that I can best prepare myself.
-What has worked for you so far in the senior project?
3.) I have been able now take an in depth look into my topic, before I wasn't so sure and just had in mind but thanks to the research Ive found so far, it has still kept my interest.
-What hasn't worked so far?
4.) What hasn't really worked for me is that I haven't been able to exactly find what I need in my research, not all of my questions on this career have been answered but I know that throughout my mentor-ship I will be able to.
-Finding Value: 

  •  What is a potential question you would like to study this year?  (working EQ)
  •  What do you plan to do for mentorship?  If you haven't found a mentor yet, then discuss where you are currently looking and who you are talking to to find it.  
 5.) - I plan to research how to be able to accomplish the task given and how to make sure to reduce the risk of injury or any fatality? (Electrical Power line installer)
- I plan to go to my dads friend workplace, he works for LA Water and Power company and I want to go see what he does and also go observe other employers working in the field I'm studying.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


      Occupational Outlook Handbook
          Line installers & Repairers

All the research that I have been finding here really helped me out and given me a true perspective about the career I want to pursue. Its been full of beneficial information that will help me get threw my senior project. It's really informative and precise on all the tasks that I will be facing and all of the abilities and knowledge that I will need in order to succeed in this career.

Blog 4: Interview Preparation

1. I plan to interview my dad, although he works in  the tree trimming service, he has some basic knowledge that will help me get this senior project headed on the right direction.
2. Some other questions that I might ask besides the 5 questions: 
-What are some high ranking positions i can work my way to?
-What is most essential thing that I can learn to be successful in your field?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blog 3, Topic Choice & Semester 1 ESLR goals

1. Electrical Engineer 

Effective I-Poly Citizen- I will help as much with all activities that the senior class will be doing and give what I can to help out and make it a success. Examples of these activities are scare fair and i Fest.
Effective Learner- I take the best notes as possible so I can study the subject as best as possible so I can get good grades and if I need help I have teachers I can go to.
Effective Use of Technology- I have my lap top that offers me a window to many things that will help me improve my knowledge for my senior project and it also helps me connect to my teachers in case I'm stuck on something and need help.
Effective Communicator- I ask questions when I don't understand something and have friends and teachers that I can go to, to talk about what I need help on or don't understand. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Blog 2: Summer MentorShip

Date                                        Hours                                      What I Did                                               Total Hours
7/02/2013                               9 Hours                   Introduced to safety procedures                                9 Hours
                                                                                And how the protective gear helps
                                                                                Also what the maximum and minimum
                                                                                Distance you must be from the power
                                                                                Lines. Had to drag all the branches out of
                                                                                The work zone and into the street so that it
                                                                                Can be stored into the truck until job was done.  

7/03/2013                               9 Hours                   I was taught different knots that would help              18 Hours
                                                                                Keep Loose branches from going crazy once
                                                                                Cut and also Knots that are easy to untie so
                                                                                That we can send Equipment from the ground up
                                                                                To the climbers in the Trees.  I was also taught a valuable
                                                                                Lesson on how the Client is always right and you must
                                                                                Respect their decisions On how they want the job done.

Pascual Gamboa (626)536-3677 
    Marios Tree Service 

Some questions that were raised from my experience there: 
-Is this something I want to do when i grow up?
-Is all this work worth the pay at the end of the day?
-How much experience do you need to excel in this job?

The most important thing that i learned from my experience there is that you need to be really careful and always make sure that safety is the most important thing because you rely on all these ropes and belts to hold you in positions that are difficult while caring a chainsaw and other equipment!

This type of work is like a stepping stone to what i want to be and it gave me look at what i am to expect and how i can prepare for it mentally and physically because its all a lot of hard labor.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Blog 1: 2 Hour Reflection


1. Electronic Dance Music:  Jorge E.
    Making An Album: Jessica B.
    OBGYN: Marilyn G.
    All Star Cheer leading: Dominic Z.
    Automotive Repair: Nicholas G.
    Yoga: Alyssa S.
    Machine Programing: Ariana K.
    Yearbook: Emma S.
    Drifting: Ricardo M.
    Cancer Survivors: Darlene D.
    Car Audio: Daniel L.
    Veterinarian Oncology: Cheryl W.
    Headmans class (student didn't show up)
2. How much is the presentation worth toward your grade?
    How many hours in total do we need for the project?
    Do the activities need to be a certain length?
3. Showing everybody that all your hard work payed off by informing them on everything that you researched and studied hard for!
4. I plan on doing it on Electrical Engineering because it grabs my attention and i like everything that the career has to offer.